It’s a Shock, I Know, But The Pathway to Success is Actually Surprisingly Simple.

It’s doing what’s needed that’s the hard part

Glyn Bawden


Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

Every article you read about success or successful people will tell you the same thing.

Listen to a podcast about an entrepreneur. Unless they were born with a silver spoon , they’ll ALL tell the same story.

It doesn’t matter what area you work in, whether it’s business , sport or the arts .

If you want to succeed at something it all boils down to a few simple principles.

When You Decide What You Want To Do, You’ll Do It, But Badly.

When I first began training in karate and performed a kata, it was a mess. The movements were there but there was no refinement, no snap no precision.

After months and months of repetition, the movements came more easily and I started to focus on the smaller details.

My breathing.

My posture.

My focus on each move.

If you’re writing this is especially true . When you start out you might not have any idea where your strengths lie, what you want to write about or what the market is for your writing assuming you…



Glyn Bawden

An ex-teacher, aspiring writer. Trying to be healthy but still loving wine. Love to travel.