It’s All About Sex

You are dirty-minded

Iris B. Stehn
Published in
4 min readMar 10, 2022


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Why is it so normal that everything is about sex?
Don’t get me wrong. I love having sex. I love talking about sex. But there’s a right place and time for it — and a wrong place and time.

The supermarket is definitely one of the latter. Let me explain what happened.

I went to the supermarket to buy fruit. My toddler was with me. She had one of those cute little kid shopping carts. By the way, those hurt when you get them shoved in your heels. Don’t let the size fool you.

Back to the story. My kid and I love all kinds of fruit: apples, pears, oranges, passion fruit, and especially bananas. We have bananas almost every day. In any case, there is no way around the fruit section.

In our local supermarket, there are boxes against food waste. For example, there are apples with small blemishes, single bananas, and soft avocados with discounts.

I like to buy one or two items from that box, in addition to my normal shopping. My kid and I usually eat those right when we get home.

Today, as we do every time, we stood in front of the box of “less nice” fruit. My left hand is on the kid’s shopping cart. You remember, they hurt when…



Iris B. Stehn

Mental health journey out of religious and narcissistic abuse and postpartum depression. Woman in tech sharing business, personal, and relationship tips.