It’s Almost Too Late To Change Any Minds For The Elections

People are voting

Floyd Mori


Photo by Joseph Chan on Unsplash

The United States elections are happening now

The final days of campaigning in the United States of America are in full force with television commercials filling the airwaves. Millions of people have already voted, and many milions more will be casting their ballots in the next week with early voting and mail in voting in full swing. There is almost no time left to change anyone’s mind. Most people have made up their minds and will probably vote before the November 3 deadline.

With just over two weeks left before the final day of the election, there are still some undecided voters so the campaigning continues. The candidates must keep up the momentum until the very end. They are spending millions of dollars trying to win their respective races.

Candidates for so many seats for the United States Senate and House of Representatives are running very closely in the polls. It could go either way for lots of races.

Democrats are trying to turn the Senate blue while trying to keep control of the House. Of course, Republicans are trying hard to win as well.

Soon it will all be over. Either Joe Biden will become President of the United States or Trump will get a second term. It seems a clear choice…



Floyd Mori

Floyd Mori, born in Utah, is a former College Teacher, Mayor, CA State Assemblyman, Consultant, and CEO for Nonprofits.