It’s Always Running Out

And we always want more

Vee Goldman


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

What is this thing that rules us, humans?
And not the rest of the natural world

Seasons pass, cold and warm
Night turns into day and back again

The Lion and the Wolf need only know night and day
A time to hunt and a time to sleep

Not for them the first and second hand of a clock
Or the flow of the salt timer

Those little hands ticking on a clock
Remind us of time passing

Tick tock tick tock
Nearer to mortality and the heavens

Time may be slow, it may be fast
But still, it passes

Never to be regained
Or relived

It can embitter
Or bring happiness

Time can heal
It can mellow

It is always there
In the background, ever-present

Use it wisely and kindly
To live, laugh, and love



Vee Goldman

Makes various jottings about life, the universe, and other stuff. Mother, Wife, Sheep Whisperer, and Free Spirit. For some reason has started writing poetry.