It’s Laundry Day

Jessica M.
Published in
1 min readJul 8, 2023

If cleanliness is next to godliness, I’m going straight to hell. No matter what I do, I can never seem to get on top of all my laundry.

It’s not even the washing bit that gets me. It’s the folding. Something about having to fold and put away all my laundry just kills me inside. I already went to all that trouble to make sure I didn’t turn any of my whites pink, or shrink a top by putting it in the dryer instead of hanging it. But now, you want me to also take the time to properly sort and fold everything and put it away? Why? I’m just going to wear it again in a day or two, and it will end up right back in the laundry basket.

I’ve heard of people sending their laundry out to get washed, but do you think you can hire someone just for the sole act of folding and putting your clothes away? Asking for a friend.

Illustration by me! :)



Jessica M.

I’m just a geeky polar bear lover trying to write my way towards an understanding of the world.