It’s Not a Grey Area — Age Discrimination is Real

Silver locks are often the death knell for women’s careers

Samantha Kemp-Jackson


Photo by Nickolas Nikolic on Unsplash

It’s been all over the news in the past couple of weeks, the unexpected and shocking firing of one of Canada’s most loved and respected journalists. Lisa LaFlamme, the anchor on one of the country’s leading national news programs, was “blindsided” by the news that her 35-year career was going to unceremoniously end. In her heartfelt Twitter posting following her dismissal, she explained her feelings of confusion, sadness and regret that she would not be able to continue on in her beloved role.

“At age 58, I thought I’d have a lot more time…” she explains. Her pain is palpable.

Fade to grey…

The red-hot anger of the silent — and often visible — majority of silver-haired, dyed-haired and generally fed-up women was immediately felt. They were mad as hell and were not going to take it anymore. Someone had to say something about this egregious event. And it wasn’t just older women who were standing by Lisa’s side. It was younger women. It was younger men. It was older men and women. Millennials, Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y and Gen Z — they all came to her defence.

How on earth could this clearly miscalculated decision be made? That was the question that was on the minds of…



Samantha Kemp-Jackson

Writer, Media Commentator and overall opinionated individual. I live in the past A. Lot. Follow me on Substack: LivingInThePast.Substack.Com