It’s Not the Resume, It’s the Stories that Land the Job

How to Ditch the Resume Rundown and Excel Through Storytelling in Job Interviews

Bahar Pancaroğlu
2 min readJan 22, 2024


Whether around a campfire or in a corporate boardroom, the art of storytelling is a magnetic force that draws people in. In the thorny tango of job interviews, where first impressions are lasting impressions, storytelling is a mighty tool for influence, persuasion, and leaving an indelible trace.

Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

The most significant mistake candidates make is perhaps relinquishing control to the recruiter. You hold the reins of your narrative, and with the right story, you can elicit positive emotions and create a lasting impression. But how do you wield this power effectively?

Anticipate Questions

  • Dive into the job ad, company page, and your own CV. Identify the crucial elements, uncover gaps, and anticipate potential questions. The more you prepare, the more confident and in control you’ll feel during the interview.

Tell Your Story with Impact

  • Understand your audience — craft stories that resonate with the specific role you’re targeting. The STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) provides a structured framework that aligns with how our minds process information. It ensures your narrative stays focused and impactful.

Infuse Personality

  • Don’t shy away from injecting humour into your stories. Laughter builds rapport and makes you more memorable. Also, connect emotionally with your audience. Express passion and enthusiasm, allowing your genuine emotions to shine through.

Embrace Vulnerability

  • You don’t need to present a flawless hero. Embrace vulnerability — it’s just as vital to reveal who you are as it is to gauge the interviewer’s reaction to your authenticity. Being human in your storytelling fosters a genuine connection.

Rinse, Repeat and Refine

Your storytelling journey doesn’t end with a single interview. Learn from each experience, refine your narratives, and seek growth opportunities to diversify your storytelling repertoire. Embrace every interview as a chance to enhance your storytelling prowess and leave an indelible mark on your professional journey.

In the race to stand out within a 60-minute interview window, don’t succumb to the resume rundown trap. Beyond the tangible credentials on your resume, it is your story that resonates, captivates, and ultimately sets you apart. By anticipating questions, using effective storytelling techniques, and embracing authenticity, you transform the interview experience from a daunting interrogation into a powerful narrative that leaves a lasting impression.

After all, everybody likes a good story.

