Its Spring in Canada Are We Opened Yet

Elle How
Published in
3 min readApr 8, 2021


Moraine Lake, Alberta mountains all aroundwith snow and ice retreating in spring
Photo by Sam Dawson on Unsplash

Or Somewhere in Betwixt

I can’t help but feel like the seesaw of spring is happening in our political form in Canada. While I get the message for lockdowns, I don’t get the way they’ve handled some of the issues to go along with it. As someone who’s trying to abide by my country’s laws, I see many others who won’t. You have those who travel to “walk in the park” two hours from their homes. Don’t you have parks closer to home? They come from a hot spot and converge on the local vicinities to try to live their lives. It’s unfair to the people who live here. While our local leaders don’t want to stop the tourism dollars they allow this to occur.

Then you have our government saying they’re following the medical officer’s advice. The trouble with advice is it’s contradictory between one level and the local level. So it doesn’t solve any issue.

So a total lockdown in Ontario means you can go to work and school but you can’t shop for nonessential items. This is not true, you can if you do it online. You can buy almost anything. While you can’t get haircuts or your nails done, I’m sure virtual would work.

I have to laugh when they say stay in your home area. Good luck with that puppy. First off we don’t have near the manpower to enact that order. That the throngs of people who take over areas…



Elle How

Life transforms us all. As a creative nurturer I explore changes that touch my soul from within and without. Experienced history, my source. Lightness my guide.