It’s The Time of Awakening Claps and True Followers on Medium to Continue Making Money

Many people wonder: Quo vadis Medium? Engagement and followers are the answer!

Kristina God, MBA


It’s The Time of Awakening Claps and True Followers on Medium to Continue Making Money
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Medium is preparing big changes in regard to distribution.

They already killed the “chosen for further distribution” notification which means we can’t see whether one of our stories was distributed beyond our followers or not.

Yes, BEYOND our followers.

For everyone who won’t be able to “game the system” in the future, followers will be the most important asset.

As a professional (online) marketer and writer on this platform, here’s what I see when I look into the crystal ball:

Awakening the meaning of “true fans”!

Medium is an open platform.

Everyone can join.

You can write about whatever you want as long as you play by Medium’s rules.

However, Medium doesn’t recommend you or your writing when it’s not a high-quality piece! Medium decides whether or not your story serves its paying readers.

Of course, in the future, there will be a lot of meta stories (except Medium won’t allow you anymore to…



Kristina God, MBA

Bestselling Substack writer I Marketing Expert I Top Writer I Helps you write, market and monetize your writing.⚡ Sign up: