It’s Time for Us Medium Writers to Take Over The Internet

And tell meaningful stories that someone hopefully finds on Google

Jordan Mendiola


Photo by Thanish Ahmed on Unsplash

Medium writers have more control than they may know.

I’ve gotten emails from people who have been inspired by my running articles or military experience and it constantly surprises me.

Someone actually read that?

Someone was actually impacted by my writing?

It reinforces my motivation to sit in front of the keyboard every single day and share any life lessons or insights I have on certain topics.

This platform has an incredible SEO feature where our stories rank higher in the google search bars.

That means if you write a story that is searchable on Google, that there are good odds someone is going to find it along with their research.

Sharing content that’s meaningful to both me and other people out there, makes me feel like I’m contributing to helping others in the world — something I strongly value.

YouTube wasn’t the answer for me. I enjoyed making vlogs, advice in front of the camera, and so much more, but it couldn’t possibly compare to the ease and fulfillment of writing.



Jordan Mendiola

I started writing during the pandemic, took a short break. But have returned for more. Quality over quantity this second time around. Thanks for being here!