It’s time to emerge from the cave and take a stroll outside. Read this if you doubt yourself.

An ode to overcoming your imposter and finding your voice.

Tim Collings


Photo by Bruno van der Kraan on Unsplash

I often find myself creatively paralysed. I can spend an inordinate amount of time transfixed by my own psychosis, staring long and hard into the imaginary mirror that tells me only that I’m not enough. Not doing enough. Not trying hard enough. And if I am, it doesn’t matter. No one cares.

This mirror has existed for a long time, certainly all of my adult life and most likely it was formed early in my childhood. That perpetual sense of not being enough, or not being capable of doing well, is imprinted early and permanently.

This challenge affects a massive number of people, many of whom you would be surprised to learn do not consider what they do to be any good, let alone great. In my work as a coach to senior Executives, I’m regularly surprised how often very successful people suffer the same ailment – self-disbelief.

I use this term intentionally, because to my view this goes beyond a lack of self-belief, and into the active construction of a negative state – self-disbelief.

For me, this affect plays out frequently in both my own work as Founder CEO of a leadership consultant business, and…



Tim Collings

Tim writes about his explorations of living systems in life and work as Founder of 4i & host of the Better World Leaders podcast.