I’ve Been Writing Erotica for Six Days. Here’s My Update.

Amazon US has still not released my first two volumes from the adult dungeon.

René Junge
The full time writer


Photo by Pablo Padilla on Unsplash

Things are better in German store but today the third volume was published in the US.

Problems in the American Shop

I should have known it. In all books and blogs about writing erotic stories, there are warnings that Amazon will punish a too revealing cover. I ignored these warnings and paid my dues.

The reason why I ignored all warnings was that I first published in the German Kindle Store. For both German books, the cover was no problem. Both books got their ranking and are shown in the search and in the categories.

Since I thought that the same standards apply in every store, I also used the covers when uploading the English versions. This was a mistake.

Volume one and two of my series were immediately adult filtered.

This means that the books are practically invisible to customers on Amazon. They don’t appear even if you search for the right keywords or enter the title into the search box. Only entering the ASIN leads to the books.

I don’t know how ninety page reads could still be gathered through Kindle Unlimited…



René Junge
The full time writer

Thriller-author from Hamburg, Germany. Sold over 200.000 E-Books. get informed about new articles: http://bit.ly/ReneJunge