I’ve developed a Bad Habit Reading on Medium.

Published in
2 min readJul 4, 2024
Photo by Katrina Wright on Unsplash

I recently started my journey on Medium two months ago and have constantly been striving to improve. In this strife, I’ve learnt lots of good things as well as bad things. Today, I’m writing on the worst habit I’ve picked up while reading on Medium. (I think😕)

Writing is for effective communication, right?

That means fluff (unnecessary wording) is a major enemy of writers.

Ever since I’ve learnt this, I’ve changed considerably. My articles were longer and unclear before, now they’re better. Before, I rambled around in my pieces now, I don’t.

Good right?


I’ve picked up a bad habit in the process. I subconsciously edit other writers’ articles. It’s not that they’re bad writers, it just happens on its own!

Now when I read, I constantly find sentences that could be more concise and errors. It’s like I’m in super editing mode.

When I find such sentences, my brain finds a way to hook me to them and shorten them.

Before, I spent on average 3 minutes reading articles

(why 3? I read shorter articles)

Now, I spend 5!

2 for reading, 3 for rearranging sentences.

Would you consider this a good or bad habit?


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I am no Guru. 🥰 Just sharing my experience and opinion. Let the world feel my impact.💥