Jabez: A Faith for Breakthrough.

Jabez was Clear, Specific, Spoke out his Prayers, and God heard him!

pst tomowo
4 min readNov 24, 2021


Photo by Reynardo Etenia Wongso on Unsplash

Now Jabez was more honorable than his brothers, and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, “Because I bore him in pain.” And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” So God granted him what he requested.” (I Chronicles 4:9–10NKJV)

1. A Background Check on Jabez.

- Cursed by his mother:
He caused his mother much pain during birth; hence was named as a remembrance of the pain.

- He lived to his evil name; he was always causing PAIN to people around him, Everywhere he went, he was causing much pain!

What a miserable life…

What a reproach! An evil tag, a problem seen and known by all.

No friends, no families, no Biz partners; because he always cause much pain!

So, all his life, he knew only how to cause pain!

2. Jabez’s Fight of Faith for Breakthrough.

2.1. Jabez wanted a chance of story.

- Jabez did not accept statuo quo. He wanted a change of story.

- Jabez did not become miserable and offensive because of the evil dished him.

- Jabez did not capitalized on the much pain he was causing people, rather he was seeking for a way out of it.

He wanted a Breakthrough,

Jabez wanted a Deliverance.

2.2. Jabez believed in the God of Israel.

Jabez sought the God of Israel; not any other sources.

Jabez believed in the God of Israel. He trusted that God could save him from his predicament.

Jabez had faith in God.

2.3. Jabez was specific in his prayers.

Specificity is key in the spirit realm. When you are specific, you knock off doubts; when you proclaim the same, you will always have what you say!.

Clarity of purpose, Believing, and saying it out…

For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.” (Mark 11:23 NKJV)

Jabez was specific about his request.

He was definite on what he wanted. He said it out.

Jabez trusted the God of Israel to do what he requested.

He had faith in God.

And God granted him what he requested.

3. God granted Jabez what he requested!

Jabez became more HONOURABLE among his brothers because everything he asked for, God granted him!

- Jabez was Blessed indeed, His territory was enlarged, God’s hand was with him, he was kept from evil, and he did not cause pain anymore!

God granted him what he requested!

The fight of Faith for Breakthroughs…

4. Your Fight of Faith for Breakthroughs.

What area of your life needs a breakthrough?

Desire a change today.

Look only unto God.

Be specific in your request.

Stand in faith through the Blood of Jesus, until your change comes.

Many focus on self efforts, peers, relations, government, education, qualifications, and other gods for their breakthrough.

What are you looking up to?

This can be seen in your attitude to your prayers… people pray, however, make plans for alternatives.

‘Whenever you are looking unto an alternative, you are not looking unto God.’ -Bishop David Oyedepo

5. Faith is Specific.

Jabez was specific…

Specificity in prayers is invoking the Will of a man to choose, and AHEETEHO in asking.

AHEETEHO means asking as in a right.
Through the Blood of Jesus, you qualify for your breakthroughs.

Believing that you deserve the answers, and asking with authority that God loves you enough to grant you your request in Christ Jesus.

The fight of Faith for Breakthrough…

For with God, nothing shall be impossible… (Luke 1:37)

If something is not working, check within, check your process.

Be specific, stand on God’s word, Be believing, proclaim it, trust complete; no matter your circumstances or experience…

And it will turn to you for a Testimony, like Jabez’s breakthroughs, in the Name of Yeshua Hamashiach, (Jesus Christ), Amen (Luke 21:13)

Photo by pst tomowo

…Jabez was Clear, Specific, Spoke out his Prayers, and God heard him! -(1 Chronicles 4:9–10)

Your FAITH is overcoming the world… Therefore, fight the good fight of Faith in that area of concern of your life.

My dear friend, Pause, Ponder and Think about these things…

We pray this series is a BLESSING to you.

You are welcomed to share your Comments, Contributions, or Questions with us on this topic.

Thank you.

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… doing CHRIST with you is a BLESSING!

pst tomowo
The Church in the Air.
It is 2021, BLOSSOM



pst tomowo

pst tomowo is a passionate lover of GOD... A dynamic and prophetic teacher of the WORD of GRACE. see more here... www.air.church