Jacinda Ardern: A Politician Who Ruled With Kindness And Empathy

A success story



Jacinda Ardern (licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

According to Wikipedia, Jacinda Ardern was the 40th prime minister of New Zealand, and the world’s youngest head of government at age 37 when she became prime minister in 2017.

I would not say that I’m really interested in politics.

Why? Too many discussions and meetings about nothing happening. Old, white men that don’t represent me.

That is the problem with politics in Europe and North America: my generation (20-something years old) is not represented in politics. All we see are discussions from really old guys about us and our future. And we have nothing to say.

And most of the time it’s not about actually changing something, it’s more about how to win the target group's votes, and being against everything the other political party talks about.

It’s disappointing and frustrating. Two reasons why I’m not interested in politics.

Why am I writing about Jacinda Ardern?

She is the best example of why women are better politicians if they rule with “female” values like

  • empathy,
  • kindness,
  • and willingness to help.




Introvert. Writing about my strategies from lessons learned about self-growth and productivity. Get my guide: karina-ahrer.com/boost-your-productivity/