Jammie (pronounced Jamie)-Writer Bio

Jammie Phillips Ed.S
Published in
2 min readNov 2, 2020


photo by author

Being at a crossroads in your life is a very interesting time. Approaching 40 is confusing. Career, relationships, “love”, are all just for the sake of comfort.

Situations happen sometimes to FORCE you to change your trajectory. It is difficult and there are angry moments. Relationships you thought you cherished and people who you thought were in your corner that you had to associate yourself with. You discover that they are “faux”. More “faux” than hair weave. Then what do you do?

You’re alone, you are lonely, very….

You question whether to enter relationships again. What for? For more “faux” individuals to enter your life and play pretend? You decide to stay alone.

“If I’m alone at least I know who it is I’m dealing with.”

Who am I? I am an almost 40 year old mom of 3 at a Crossroads in my life. My career has been as an educator, a music educator to be exact. I am a flutist and a musician. I am an extroverted introvert. I am a dreamer. I am in love with love but I haven’t been lucky with finding it. My soul is bare and my heart is transparent. I am historically depressed and unsure of myself. I feel undiscovered. I feel slept on. If the time was put in to learn me — the world would benefit.

I care about all matters regarding Teacher Education, Racism, BLACK WOMEN, black moms, black conscience, and anything else that my ear may pick up. I reside in the Atlanta area and I have a few college degrees. I work as a Band Director when I can stay out of trouble.

My realism can intimidate bad administrators but the kids love me. I’m involved in several organizations because I also want to change the world. I’m right brained and an artist to my soul. One day I hope to open my own conservatory to be a pipeline for black students to go into classical music. I have 2 cats and if you tell me I’m pretty I’ll fall in love.




Jammie Phillips Ed.S

A loud mouth, sometimes Educator, mostly Artist, HBCU graduate and Musician. Has a story to tell but still navigating through it. Square peg not trying to fit.