Jeff Bezos Could Learn a Thing or Two from His Ex-wife

Mackenzie Scott giving her Amazon billions away is pitch perfect for the times.

Jessica Lynn
Curated Newsletters


Photo Source: Paul Souders and Drew Angerer/Getty Images

There comes a time in every centibillionaire’s life when he says to himself, it’s time to help those who weren’t given the same I was given when I was born — a good start with decent parents, a decent education, white skin, and the ‘right’ sex to conquer the world without people questioning my ‘ambition’ at every turn.

Or not.

Jeff Bezos is the richest man in the world.

He gained considerable more wealth because of the coronavirus.

And now, after ruining my grocery store with rage-filled Instacart shoppers and turning the vibe from chill to a cold-warehouse-feel with cheerless employees, putting both small and large bookstores and every other kind of retail brick and mortar out of business, he’s stepping down from his company, Amazon, as CEO, before things get really awkward and uncomfortable.

On the other hand, his ex-wife, MacKenzie Scott, in stark contrast, has been giving her billions away — directly making a difference in the lives of people targeted by systematic racism and sexism. And with her second round of giving, helping those displaced by a global pandemic.



Jessica Lynn
Curated Newsletters

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