Jeff Bezos’ Morning Routine of Puttering Around — How It Works

Even during his time as CEO, he only started his meetings at 10 AM.

Mofrad Muntasir


Steve Jurvetson, CC BY 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Elon Musk works 80–100 hours per week. He often skips breakfast. He doesn’t have enough time in the morning, despite being an early riser.

Jeff Bezos, on the other hand, was quite different during his days as CEO of Amazon. He’d wake up early and then he’d spend till almost 10 AM “puttering” around the house.

And what exactly is this puttering?

Jeff Bezos explained what he means by puttering in a 2018 speech at the Washington Economic Club.

He wakes up early, reads the newspaper, brews some coffee, and he’d generally not start work.

Once his kids woke up, he’d make breakfast for them. Apparently, he can make blueberry—chocolate chip pancakes from scratch.

He wouldn’t usually start work before 10 — when he’d drive to the Amazon campus.

Jeff Bezos says that his puttering time is important for him. That, along with eight hours of sleep at night, gives him the energy to go through a day.

Why Puttering Is Important



Mofrad Muntasir

3x Top Writer ⚡ Empowering Others to Build Better Mornings ⚡ Download the Ultimate Morning Routines E-Book: