Jer-ry! Jer-ry!

Jerry Springer Was An Oracle of Modern Media

He gave us a daily glimpse of the future, one thrown chair at a time

Jeffrey Harvey
Published in
5 min readApr 29, 2023


Image from Justin Hochman on Wikimedia Commons

Jerry Springer was the foundation of my freshman year. The Jerry Springer Show aired at 1 PM on an off-brand station out of Cleveland, while all the network affiliates were running soap operas.

Perfect timing.

After a rigorous morning immersing ourselves in the best of humanity — literature, art, philosophy, ultimate frisbee — we would decompress over a tasty private prison-sponsored cafeteria lunch, then head back to the freshman dorm’s main lounge to revel in humanity’s very worst.

It was the ultimate voyeuristic rubbernecking. With the shameless gusto of those with nothing to lose and even less to gain, Springer’s guests aired all their business for our entertainment.

And what business it was. Lying, stealing, cheating, baby mama drama — all shouted, screamed, and shrieked at decibel levels almost as elevated as the vitriol in their sloppily bleeped swears. Punches were thrown. Then chairs.

Occasionally, clothing was ripped or pulled off just enough that a boob or a butt had to be blurred. It was sufficient to entice my friend Daniel to rent the uncensored Too Hot For TV DVDs…

