Jesus Christ is the Coolest F*cking Dude Who Ever Lived

Michael X Christopher
Published in
4 min readJun 19, 2020


Photo by Oliver Johnson on Unsplash

We are talking about the dude that turned water into wine. I mean come on. Thats a friend that we all want. Yet, some of us are so quick to forget. We either think God is boring, or mean, but he is dynamic, loving, and wonderful.

Aside from turning water into wine, as if he need do anything else, he healed the lepers, and opened blind eyes. Basically, if you had a problem, Christ was your solution. He healed. He set free. He restored. And the same is true today. Jesus is just as cool today as he was 2000 years ago.

Personally, I can’t get over how cool Jesus is. One of my favorite instances involving Jesus is when one of the Pharisees, trying to trap him, asked him if they should give tribute to Caesar, with regard to taxes.

Now Jesus, knowing he is being set up, says to the Pharisee, Give me a Denarius. Which was a coin. And he said, who’s face is inscribed on this stone? And they said Caesars. So Jesus said, then give tribute unto Caesar what is Caesars, and give unto God what is Gods.

Pure Genius. I love it.

Or how bout when Peter asked Jesus if they need to pay taxes? And Jesus basically says they don’t need to, but so that no one be offended, they are better off paying the tax.

