Jewel Royalty

A tritriplicata

Charlene Marron


Close-up of raspberries in a ceramic bowl.
Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash

Raspberries —
Mouth-watering morsels,
Delivering such gorgeous flavor;
Royal crown heritage,
Perfect gems

One of my favorite niche book genres is expatriate chef memoirs. I have read several over the last few years and enjoy them immensely. A common theme in these books is the chefs’ passion for quality, fresh ingredients. Sometimes they go to great lengths to procure very particular items for a recipe or special occasion.

I am currently reading Joie de Vivre by Robert Arbor, who devotes several pages to the splendor of gathering berries for making jams, jellies, and compotes. Other honorable mentions in this category include: Picnic in Provence by Elizabeth Bard, The Sweet Life in Paris by David Lebovitz, and My Berlin Kitchen by Luisa Weiss.

Raspberry varieties

Credit to Arjan Tupan for creating the tritriplicata poem format: 5 lines with syllables in a 3–6–9–6–3 sequence and a volta, if possible.



Charlene Marron

Introvert on the outside living loudly on the inside. Taking it a day at a time with a twinkle in my eye and a song in my heart. Poetry is my flow.