Jide Zeitlin And the Sickening Hypocrisy of America

Rebecca Stevens
Published in
5 min readJul 24, 2020


Jide Zeitlin — Former Chairman and CEO, Tapestry. Photo credit: Tapestry

I was surprised to learn about the abrupt resignation of Jide Zeitlin, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Tapestry, the company that owns amongst many other brands Coach and Kate Spade luxury handbags.

Zeitlin was one of only four black men to lead a Fortune 500 company, so his untimely resignation, just after his tenure had been extended by the board for another three years was indeed unsettling.

So here’s the story: Jide Zeitlin led a double-life. He was a Chairman and Chief Executive Officer by day, and a photographer (with an alias), by night so to say. The photographs that he took were sexual in nature, and 13 years ago, he engaged in an extra-marital affair with one of models he photographed.

Yes, for some this behavior can be considered morally reprehensible, but let us deconstruct a bit.

In a free world, anyone, especially artists, writers and creators, should be able to use an alias to protect their identity. There is nothing illegal about that. As long as the individual is not seeking to harm someone else, I see no problem with that.

Zeitlin admitted to having an extra-marital affair with one of the ladies he photographed. According to both his and her accounts, it was a consensual relationship. They dated for months and he broke it off.



Rebecca Stevens

I write about racism, but there are so many other things I would like to write about instead. Help me dismantle racism so that I can get to that.