Join Me — Let’s Raise Our Glasses to Those Mystery Editors

They have enhanced the pleasure of reading

Ilis Trudie Palmer
5 min readMay 22, 2021


Imaged captured by the author

Someone always has to do the hard work and someone always has to do the dirty work. Sometimes the hard work is dirty so we have to thank those persons twice. A group of mystery editors armed with a top-secret algorithm has done the hard and dirty work — they have slogged through my 250+ stories and have chosen the better ones for further distribution. ( In some cases, I am not in agreement but I concede to their wiser selves).

This writing thing has been one wild ride for me. It has opened avenues to thought and expression that I did not know I possessed — well actually it wasn’t me. I write about mindfulness, consciousness, meditation, and the connectivity of our physical sexual selves to our energetic spiritual selves. More often than not, my stories either in the form of prose or poetry come as messages either for me or for someone else.

The process was not always easy, challenges abounded but I discovered that they were all inside my head and once I was able to do a rinse, I was able to repeat and repeat — producing stories non-stop, writing freely, and sharing widely without fear of rejection.

I cannot let you in on the secret sauce because I do not know what it is. I delved through the data looking for anything that alluded to a pattern but found nothing. I finally gave up and decided to do what I have been doing all along — writing as led, writing for me, and writing for free.

PS. I have not updated this story in many months.

For ease of reference, as determined by those that cannot be named, find below some of my stories that were selected for further distribution under different topics.

  1. Mindfulness

2. Spirituality

3. Self

4. Writing

5. Poetry

6. Sexuality

7. Food

8. LifeStyle

9. Humour

10. Outdoors

11. Fiction



Ilis Trudie Palmer

Energy, Creativity, Spirituality, the Great E.S.C; One dose of upfulness in each story or poem or song lyric.