Joining the Medium Membership

My first month

Satrio Jagad
2 min readDec 16, 2022


welcoming member
Photo by Szabo Viktor on Unsplash

The first time creating my Medium account in 2019, I was roaming around. Trying to figure out what I am about to read. Then I was inactive for years until I remembered I still have access to this account in 2022.

After a long decision, I finally chose to join a Medium membership. As long as I remember, there was a promo in November that let the users have a free trial membership for a month. So I quickly click the subscribe button, and here I am. Just happened like that.

What drove me to get this membership was when I got accepted as one of the writers for ILLUMINATION publisher. As time goes by, I am starting to read more. Creating unpublished drafts. It changed my daily routine in a good way.

Some articles can be accessed by members only. At first, my plan was not going for the subscription. But then I am starting to write and read more, and I also need some references. Thus, I decided to be one of the Medium members.

Reading all the articles here, especially the exclusive one. Having the star logo next to my profile. It was definitely a good deal.

So anyway, this post is solely for me, as an appreciation post for taking a simple but meaningful step. It may be nothing for anyone, but it is something for me.

You can also use this as a spirit boost for anything of the tiny little step you have achieved in your life.

Have a good day, everyone!

Let’s connect and collaborate on my LinkedIn profile.
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Satrio Jagad

Name's Gad. Currently writing articles about life lessons, self-care, and poem in Medium for Illumination publisher.