What Can One Learn in 15 Days of Public Journaling?

Journaling Challenge — Day 1

Lucy Milanova


Photo by ian dooley on Unsplash

Day 1

The Magician.

Today, I was reminded multiple times by multiple sources at multiple different places that I am the creator of my reality.

One of those sources was Tori Nauer in her beautiful article about The Power of Manifestation.

And the way my life looks like is a result of my thoughts, my feelings and the actions I take based on them.

In the rush of every day, I’d almost forgotten about this profound, yet simple law of the universe.

What we sow we end up reaping. Equally, what we invest our energy in thinking and support by feeling and action, we end up manifesting. Good or bad.

That got me thinking.

Am I happy with my life and where I am now?

I am, actually.

But can I make it better? Can I improve my life by the power of manifestation?

I certainly can! And I will.

I am consciously choosing to devote myself to directing my energy into a manifestation of what I truly wish to see in my life. But…



Lucy Milanova

Personal Growth, Mental Health, Mindfulness Ambassador | Londoner | Creative Entrepreneur | Transformation Coach