Learnings From Indian Matchmaking — Netflix Series Worth Binge-Watching

Journaling Challenge — Day 3

Lucy Milanova


Photo by Jonatas Domingos on Unsplash

So first of all, I rarely browse through Netflix nowadays. The last time I did, I ended up watching Fifty Shades of Grey that was a bad choice and experience. But at least I got to write about it.

But yesterday early evening, I stumbled upon Netflix and seen something quite unusual there that grabbed my attention.

It’s a new Netflix series called Indian Matchmaking.

Which basically is a reality-like-show about Indian custom of arranged marriages that works through the centuries up until this point. And how this happens today — given by real-life stories of our main protagonists — young boys and girls and their families keen to get them married — as soon as possible.

I’d not have expected that Indian Matchmaking would have anything fruitful to teach me other than just entertain me, but man, there was a hell lot.

The show is facilitated by a woman in (what I suppose is) her late 50s who’s a matchmaker by a profession — called Sima, from Mumbai. That’s how she always introduces herself to any new customer. Most of the matchmaking for arranged marriages…



Lucy Milanova

Personal Growth, Mental Health, Mindfulness Ambassador | Londoner | Creative Entrepreneur | Transformation Coach