Judge and Jury

Tree Langdon
All Will Be Well
Published in
2 min readApr 15, 2020


Why Do We Care What They Think?

Photo by Elizabeth Anceno on Unsplash

We see it every time we go out.

Someone isn’t following Covid quarantine guidelines. They’re the one with a shopping cart full of toilet paper. They leave their house every day, despite the calls to stay at home. They aren’t following the rules so they’re wrong.

That’s judgment.

Our blood pressure rises as we feel the frustration of our judgment. But what if there’s a reason for their behavior? What if they are shopping for two or three families? What if they are working at a store, or volunteering to help distribute food to seniors at risk?

Judgment is a tricky thing. Many people feel that there is safety in sameness and seek out people that are similar to themselves. We use judgement as a way to decide if we fit together. Most of what we call connection is actually based on judgment.

People who are different are often judged as being wrong or bad.

When we judge someone, that creates a separation. Your judgment doesn’t make you right about your beliefs, they are just different.

When we drop the judgment, we can observe a person more impartially. When you don’t make them wrong or bad, you don’t create a separation and can observe without trying to make them change…



Tree Langdon
All Will Be Well

I write stories, and poetry, and create sketches inspired by my dreams for the world. https://wordsinmotion.substack.com/