Judge The Book By It’s Cover, But Slowly

Ayush Khare
Published in
2 min readAug 14, 2023

Yes, why not?

We do it all the time.

When was the last time you ignored the cover of a new, unread book?

Everybody looks at the cover first, don’t they?

Photo by Madalyn Cox on Unsplash

People say that Books and Humans are different entities. Yes, they are.

But have you ever seen an interviewer choosing a 'good on the inside' guy over a well clothed and better speaking guy? I believe you haven’t.

The truth is almost everybody is good on the inside. If we see from their perspective they are just trying to make the world better. They don’t realise what they are doing until the harm is done, and sometimes they don’t realise it even after that.

Now if you say that the interviewer chooses on the basis of skills, yes.

Then ‘how to present yourself' is also a skill, and according to me it must be the best, and the hardest to learn skill, in the corporate world we are living in.

To judge by the five senses we have, is an intuition. It’s God gifted. If we don’t judge, how are we going to survive?

Suppose there are two paths, one is simple, well travelled, and the other doesn’t look as good and nobody seems to travel by it. Both go to the same destination. Which one will you choose? Think realistically.

Yeah sometimes there are exceptions but we don’t make rules for exceptions and then apply it on every one. That is dictatorship.

And the ‘cover’ I am talking about does not mean you have to wear the best outfit available. You have to show what’s in you, like a book’s cover shows what’s in the book.

Monks are often poor, but when you look at them what do you actually pay attention to? The calmness on their face or the simple cloths they are wearing. I prefer a calm face.

Why is it so that they are calm? Because they are transparent and satisfied.

Be water, my friend.

Let others see what’s inside you. If you’re good they’ll see good and compliment you (not that you’re looking for a compliment), and if you’re bad you’ll feel the heat of embarrassment and your focus would be on improving yourself.

Deep inside most people want to do good, but what they do, to do that good, is the cover of their character.



Ayush Khare

I write on Life, Spirituality, and a bunch of other good stuff. Follow me if you want to read something amazing daily.