July 2023: 5 Inspirational and Insightful Quotes That Will Change Your Perspective for the BEST

Dr. Rupa Mahanti
Published in
4 min readJul 9, 2023
Mandala (Created by Rupa Mahanti)

Thoughts for the Month

According to a survey conducted by the Harris Poll, 72% of people in the United States believe that inspirational quotes by famous people have the power to motivate and encourage them to achieve their goals.

Quotes are short and crisp and hence easy to memorize. They have an ability to affect how you think, act and react, for a long time after reading them.

We all need some humor in our lives and humorous inspirational quotes are my favorites because they not only teach useful life lessons, but also lighten my mood and sometimes gives me a ray of hope.

Below are five inspirational and insightful quotes with a touch of humor from successful people in history that will hopefully make you laugh or at least smile, and teach you some useful lessons that you can apply in your own day-to-day life and be more content, successful, and happy!

“The trouble with the rat-race is that, even if you win, you’re still a rat.”

Lily Tomlin

As students we worked hard to get good grades. Once out of school. we have been working hard in our careers to finance to maintain ourselves/our families and have life style that helps us maintain our social status. But we often end up being exhausted. We should devise a strategy that will help us exit the rat race and live a more restful life.

“A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”

— Mark Twain/Charles Spurgeon

This is so true. Lie or misinformation travels much faster than the truth.

“I don’t want any yes-men around me. I want everybody to tell me the truth even if it costs them their job.”

— Samuel Goldwyn

This quote emphasizes the power dynamic across the organization. However, it’s impractical to expect employees to bear this burden. In reality, if employee know they will jeopardize their jobs by speaking the truth, they will rather keep quiet.

“Life is like a sewer — what you get out of it depends on what you put into it.”

Tom Leh

It all boils down to karma. As we sow, so we reap.

“Don’t wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.”

— Mark Twain

As stated by Omar Kiam, “you become what you allow yourself to get into to. This goes hand in hand with arguing or debating with fools. Win or lose, you bring yourself down to the fools level, while the fool, just being himself, gets satisfaction for adding a new member to the club.”

Sometimes, it is best to be silent, and not get into meaningless arguments.

The Journey Continues…

In a study published in the journal- Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, researchers found that reading inspirational quotes can activate the brain’s reward centers, resulting in improved motivation and productivity.

They are awesome reinforcement tools, however, you have to act upon them and apply them.

I love to read inspirational quotes as they teach me something useful, help me see the bright side of things, act as mood elevators, and help me deal with life when things get challenging. Often it can offer me the much needed inspiration when my normal motivation has lapsed. I revisit them often so that they stay fresh in my mind.

The ones with a touch of humor are the ones, I enjoy the most as they make me laugh or at least smile, while also teaching useful life lessons and providing a wider perspective of life. I hope these powerful tidbits of wisdom from famous and successful personalities will have the same impact on your life too!

Thanks so much for reading! I would love to hear your thoughts- which one did you like the most? Please leave a comment here or connect on LinkedIn.

My stories on life lessons, self-help, wisdom, and spirituality can be found under the list heading

Life, Motivation, Wisdom, Spirituality

Rupa Mahanti is a consultant, data enthusiast, researcher, writer, spiritualist, and author of several books. One of her books — Thoughts: A Collection of Inspirational Quotes contains some fundamental truths of life in the form of more than 100 quotes. Every reader will find something in the book that he or she can resonate with, and apply the same in their own lives.



Dr. Rupa Mahanti

Author of 7 books, mostly on data; Ph.D. in Computer Sc. & Eng.; Digital art designer; Publisher- The Data Pub (https://thedatapub.substack.com/)