June Writing Challenge!!!

Daily writing goals for Medium



Decorations at a baby shower for a baby boy.
Photo by Luis Quintero

My girlfriend and I are having a baby boy in August!! Woo Hoo!!!

Becoming a dad means you have to be a role model for your son and be someone he can look up to.

Wayne Rooney

With this news, I wanted to do something special.

The 1st thing that came to mind was writing an article for my son. Then, I thought about lessons I could give him through my writing.

I took that idea and turned it into a writing challenge.

For the next 30 days, I will be writing for my son, giving him a life lesson each day.

These lessons will be from the heart, and in them, I will share detailed experiences I have had in my life.

I will also present 30 characteristics I believe my son should adopt to live a happier life.

We always want the best things for our children and since I heard the news of having a baby boy, I have been pondering ways to instill certain values in him.

This writing challenge will allow me to share these lessons with my son and the world.




Texan, I write about sports, relationships, social issues and life lessons. Follow me on Twitter @Jthewriter1482