Just Read The Popular Webtoon Series “Let’s Play” and Here Is What I want to say.

Lomat Al Noor
Published in
4 min readJul 24, 2023
Image By https://bleedingcool.com/tv/lets-play-popular-webtoon-webcomic-adapted-as-anime-short-trailer/

“Let’s Play” is a popular webtoon created by Mongie (real name: Leeanne Krecic). The story revolves around a talented game developer named Sam Young, who faces social anxiety and struggles to connect with others due to a past traumatic event. She copes with her anxiety by immersing herself in her work and creating a successful indie game. However, her life takes an unexpected turn when her next-door neighbor, a popular YouTuber named Charles “Marshall” Park, unexpectedly features her game on his channel. As the story unfolds, it delves into themes of mental health, self-discovery, and the importance of human connections.

“Let’s Play” has resonated with many readers due to its realistic portrayal of mental health challenges and the process of healing and growth. The webtoon has gained popularity for its well-developed characters, engaging storyline, and the way it addresses themes of anxiety and self-acceptance.

I believe implementing elements from the webtoon “Let’s Play” into your real life can be a transformative and empowering journey. While we cannot recreate the exact events of the webtoon, we can draw inspiration from its themes and characters to foster personal growth and well-being. Here are some ways that I think how you can implement the story’s lessons into your own life:-

(Feel free to share your thoughts too and do correct me if I am wrong!)

  • Self-Awareness and Acceptance:
    Take a cue from Sam Young’s journey toward healing and self-discovery. Start by becoming more self-aware of your own emotions, anxieties, and struggles. Recognize that it’s okay to have vulnerabilities and imperfections. Embrace self-acceptance, knowing that every person has a unique journey and challenges.

(If you want to understand the factors that contribute to well-being then you can check it out -


  • Confronting Anxiety and Past Trauma:
    If you identify with Sam’s struggles with anxiety or past trauma, consider seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor. They can provide guidance and support as you work through these issues and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

(Do you want to overcome anxiety and cultivate resilience? Then you can check it out -


  • Building Social Connections:
    Human connections play a significant role in “Let’s Play” helping Sam in her healing process. Reach out to friends, family, or support groups to build meaningful connections. Engaging in activities and hobbies that interest you can also be an avenue to meet like-minded individuals.

(If you want to know the power of connections to navigate the challenges of depression then you can check it out -


  • Expressing Yourself Creatively:
    As a game developer, creativity was an essential aspect of Sam’s life. Engaging in creative pursuits, whether it’s art, writing, music, or any other form of expression, can be a cathartic and empowering way to explore your emotions and thoughts.

(If you want to know the link between mental health and creativity then you can check it out -


  • Challenging Mental Health Stigma:
    If you have experienced mental health challenges, consider becoming an advocate for mental health awareness and challenging stigma. Engage in conversations, share your story (if you feel comfortable doing so), and support initiatives that promote mental health education and understanding.

(Read this article if you feel at a loss:-


  • Setting Goals and Seeking Growth:
    Throughout the webtoon, Sam sets goals for herself professionally and personally. Emulate this approach by setting realistic and achievable goals in your life. This could be related to your career, relationships, personal development, or hobbies. Break these goals into smaller steps and work towards them gradually.

(For more details:-


  • Practicing Mindfulness and Emotional Regulation:
    Mindfulness practices, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises, can help you manage stress, anxiety, and emotional fluctuations. Incorporate these practices into your daily routine to cultivate emotional regulation and a sense of inner calm.

(For more details:-


  • Engaging with Media Mindfully:
    As you consume media, including webtoons, movies, or TV shows, be mindful of their impact on your emotions and mental well-being. Balance entertainment with content that fosters positivity, learning, and personal growth.

(Read this:-


Remember that implementing changes in real life takes time and effort. Embrace the journey of growth, and be kind to yourself throughout the process. Each individual’s path is unique, and what works for one person may differ from another. Allow the lessons from “Let’s Play” to inspire you to take steps towards a more fulfilling and emotionally healthy life.



Lomat Al Noor

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