Just Took a PANAS Psychological Test, Turns Out I’m 100% That Sad Poet

The four archetypes and what it means for you



Photo by Beyzaa Yurtkuran from Pexels

Happiness is not the absence of unhappiness. Unhappiness is not the absence of happiness.

This is the main premise of the PANAS test — a psychometric test for positive and negative affectivity.

In simple terms, it measures the extent to which you feel positive and negative emotions.

Take the Test

The test itself takes 3–5 minutes to complete. In fact, you can take it right now.

For each emotion listed below, score it from 1–5 based on how deeply you feel that emotion in general.

1 = Very slightly or not at all
2 = A little
3 = Moderately
4 = Quite a bit
5 = Extremely

Write the scores down so you don’t forget.

  1. Interested
  2. Distressed
  3. Excited
  4. Upset
  5. Strong
  6. Guilty
  7. Scared
  8. Hostile
  9. Enthusiastic
  10. Proud




I write about self-improvement and entrepreneurship to help you design your beautiful life | basilsbookshelf.substack.com