Kafka and Milena

A Love Story between Prague and Vienna

Monomit Bhowmik


Photo by Emanionz on Unsplash

“Writing letters is actually an intercourse with ghosts…Written kisses never arrive at their destination; the ghosts drink them up along the way.”

— Franz Kafka, Letters to Milena

Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Franz Kafka was born in Prague in July 1883. The name Kafka is Czech by origin, and in its correct form, Kavka means jackdaw, a bird that has a big head and a beautiful tail. Most of Kafka's work gained literary fame posthumously thanks to his lifelong friend Max Brod.

Photo by Kevin Andre on Unsplash

Milena Jesenka was born in Prague in 1896. Her father was a dental surgeon and professor at Charles University in Prague; She studied at Minerva, the first academic gymnasium for girls in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. After graduation, she enrolled briefly at the Prague Conservatory and the Faculty of Medicine but abandoned her…



Monomit Bhowmik

I’m an aspiring writer living in San Francisco focusing on life around me. I write about human emotions, philosophy, and technology.