Karen reports Japanese Woman to HR for eating a “sexy potato”

People are ridiculous

Y. Vue


Photo by Polina Tankilevitch: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-in-black-boots-lying-on-the-floor-6516018/

I like to read “AITA — Am I the Asshole” threads on Reddit, and recently, I saw this one make the rounds.

Successful_Peace_929 writes:

“It honestly feels ridiculous that I have to post this but my coworker has been getting onto me about this for weeks now, so I have to ask. My whole life, I’ve been eating potatoes by microwaving them, then biting into them, eating them hot dog style. This is the easiest, most convenient and intuitive way for me to eat potatoes (sweet potatoes or regular). I think this is how people in Japan eats them, or at least, this is how I was taught by my Japanese parents to eat them. Whenever I go to a grocery store, I always pick out the most easily bite-able potatoes, which are generally longer and thinner than most potatoes.

“So I work in an office of about 30 people. We all typically bring our own lunch, and I usually just eat at my desk while doing work. No one has ever commented about how I eat potatoes, but I do eat them quite frequently. Recently, a new person was hired, and she clearly has a problem with the way I eat potatoes.

“A couple of times, she pulled me aside and asked me that I just eat potatoes a more normal way. I asked her what she meant, and she said I was…

