Kawasaki a Post COVID 19 Disease

Faiz Ali Khan
Published in
4 min readJul 26, 2020
A face mask in a street, COVID 19, Kawasaki disease
Photo by 🇨🇭 Claudio Schwarz | @purzlbaum on Unsplash

A virus pandemic thankfully most of the data suggests that children had been relatively spared during this crisis but parents may have seen in the media that the World Health Organization is investigating a potential link between coronavirus infection and a severe inflammatory response that’s been occurring in a small number of young kids around the globe so this syndrome has multiple characteristics of a condition called Kawasaki disease.

a girl baby with a camera topic in kawasaki disease
Photo by Tanaphong Toochinda on Unsplash

Kawasaki sickness is a sort of vasculitis that influences medium veins. It was first found in Asia by a specialist named Tomisaku Kawasaki. What’s more, from that point forward, it’s been noted to influence generally offspring of an Asian plummet. As I referenced, it was first found by a specialist by the name of Tomisaku Kawasaki in January of 1961. With the primary analysis, he really did not understand what was happening. In any case, he noted that patients ordinarily had a fever alongside a body rash and rash somewhere else. The rash appeared to influence the mouth, the eyes, and on the palms and the soles. When Dr. Kawasaki first observed this disease, he didn’t have a clue what it was. In this way, he analyzed the fever of unknown root. This is a sweeping term given when a patient has a fever that isn’t found to have a determination. Be that as it may, in the wake of experiencing a ton of patients with rash in their mouth, red eyes, perhaps on their body and on their palms and soles, Dr. Kawasaki chose to publish about this ailment. Furthermore, in this manner, we have the name Kawasaki disease today.

It has been seen in young children for decades Kawasaki disease is an inflammatory condition and in Texas Children’s Hospital every year they see more than a hundred children with this condition and so they really have a lot of experience in dealing with it one of the reasons why Kawasaki disease is of interest to cardiologists is that a significant result of the condition is that you can get aggravation in the heart itself and critically irritation in the coronary arteries these are the little veins that provide the heart muscle thus on the off chance that these supply routes are kindled, at that point, it can truly put the heart muscle in danger.

Cells of COVID 19 virus, infections or disease, kawasaki disease
Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash

They don’t have an accurate picture of quite how big a problem this is or how big it’s actually going to be but obviously as they gain more information from overseas and now from the United States, they’re becoming hyper-vigilant so that they don’t miss potential cases that are coming in our direction last week the UK reported around a dozen cases and every day we’re hearing of more reports from the European epicenters typically the United Kingdom and At least eight cases have been recorded at the hospital so far. The first fatality was an 11-year-old boy in Lahore, confirmed Professor Masood Sadiq, dean of Children Hospital Lahore. and Spain and now over the past few days from the east coast of the US as well yesterday in the day before reports of about 15 children who were affected in New York and these hit the press just in the last couple of days so children with this new inflammatory syndrome can present with fever with signs of inflammation abdominal pain diarrhea but sometimes they are very sick and they have what we call shock and this means that the heart and circulation can be affected as well it’s significant to have a knowledge that not all children are severely ill but realize that in the extraordinary some have required concentrated consideration and escalated treatments and to be sure, even life sponsorship and a few, regardless, requiring heart-lung machines to support their heart and their lung work in the ICU. The signs and side effects of Kawasaki illness are fever for over five days rash on different pieces of the body including the crotch swollen hands and feet red eyes with no discharge regularly a swollen lymph hub enormous fractiousness and spit particularly in the more youthful children and some of the time decreased hunger and stomach torment well, this is frequently an excessively strong reaction to the invulnerable framework to contamination and most infections, such a significant number of patients frequently have a disease and afterward build up these signs and indications one idea is that maybe this is something very similar that occurs in COVID 19. I would say that whenever a child has a fever for more than a few days and has any other signs and symptoms especially if they’re not acting right that is the time to call your pediatrician.



Faiz Ali Khan

Doing ACCA, Accountant & entrepreneur—enthusiastic about reading, writing.