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Keep Learning Something New Daily

“You can learn new things at any time in your life if you’re willing to be a beginner. ” ~ Barbara Sher


Namaste, my brothers and sisters!

I welcome you.

May God bless you and your loved ones with joy every day.

Let us take up the joyful theme of “learning a new thing every day” in this essay.

Section I.

God has blessed each of us with life.

And we make the highest use of this blessing when we invest the maximum in life.

Then, life also starts giving us rewards in the same proportion.

Learning a new thing every day is one of the best ways of making such investments in life.

The reasons are:

1. The very eagerness to learn something new, every day, constitutes our best homage to our Creator.

Because it is He who has given us all: — our learning faculties, learning ability and learning desire — everything!

2. When we want to learn anything new, it is also the biggest evidence of our positive attitude towards life.

Because, on one hand, it reveals our humility: — we are openly admitting our ignorance about a subject.

On the other hand, it also demonstrates we are high in self-esteem: — we are confident that we can overcome our lacuna by self-effort.

3. Our learning desire is also our greatest affirmation of life.

It acknowledges this world to be a wonderful place which has so many secrets in its fold, just waiting to be uncovered…!

Every day becomes a joyful day then…!

Section II.

In this context, a handy tip to learn daily would be to keep a small diary and pen with us at all times…our smartphones can equally serve the purpose here.

Then, we can deliberately go about converting each day into a learning day.

But who would be the teacher?

Yes, you guessed it right.

The teacher would be “life” itself.

Its lessons would reach us through two primary sources:

1. Our daily interactions with other people

2. Our daily travels

We can then complement such learning with what we pick up from all the secondary sources of life such as books, websites, podcasts etc.

The essentials here are:

  1. Being aware of our learning and
  2. Recording it deliberately.

We shall soon come to discover that every day we are learning…so many things…from so many diverse sources…in so many ways…!!

So, just start your learning journey right now and affirm your trust in the goodness of life.

Thanks for reading my thoughts.

May each of your days be filled with discovery,

The Uplifting Essayist

