Keep the Training Room Tidy with These 8 Essential Rules

One neat and tidy Training Room coming up!

Wendy Scott


Created by author on Canva. After a very large glass of Pinot Gris.

Being a trainer in a corporate office has many perks. You get to be in charge of the biscuits. You can order your favorite lunch when you’re organizing catered training.

You can wander the halls of the office dispensing largess to the masses when there is leftover cake.

Get your FREE copies of all four Training Room posters here.

Best of all, you are in charge of the training room.

Domination of the training room comes with many powers, such as authorizing calendar bookings, ordering the biggest whiteboard possible, and insisting on a cornucopia of rainbow-colored, non-permanent markers.

But with great power comes great responsibility, which means keeping the training room tidy.

It helps to have rules about training room usage, and there are three ways to enforce the rules:

  • Shout at the offenders — OK, it’s more like strongly worded requests in reality, even though you feel like shouting.
  • Send office-wide snippy emails — You will have to do this every six months or so. It’s best to get all your angst out in the draft email, then sanitize it and send it the next day.



Wendy Scott

L&D professional writing practical, step-by-step leadership and training & development articles to help leaders, managers & trainers grow their careers.