Kill Your Mental Blocks, or It Will Kill Your Side Hustle

Watch the tales your mind tells you

Kunaal Wrote It
5 min readJan 19, 2023


Man with bows, arrows and glowing yellow eyes.
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Our minds are clever, they are brilliant with all they can compute, there’s no denying that. However, they can also be the most convincing deceivers.

They can create all kinds of mental blocks, and what’s worse is, we begin to justify them.

If we don’t put systems and habits in place to counteract them, we will live the rest of our lives without truly realizing our fullest potential.

A life where we are caged by the illusionary tales our minds tell us, tales that warn us to refrain from taking chances, risks, and experiments and go beyond our abilities to achieve wonders.

The Problem.

You might have tons of external forces trying to stop your side hustle success. However, the biggest enemy is your mindset and the emotional barriers that hold you back.

When I had (still have) mental blocks, I would justify it in my head which is the worst part. I simply couldn’t figure out a way to get myself out of it and when I looked closely, I found that these mental blocks were just excuses I told myself. This is what held me back from executing.

What changed?

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I started creating logical counter phrases in my head. Whenever a mental block popped into my head, I countered that logic with positive logic.

I would say and see these phrases over and over again. Over time mental blocks simply had no power over me, because they started to make no sense.

Day by day, they drifted away and my life began to witness a subtle transformation.

Let’s discover some examples that might help.

Counter Phrases to Common Mindset Blocks.

A small list of typical mental blocks, with counter phrases that can logically challenge that limiting belief and/or mental block in your mind.

I’d just like to mention that, although this might not solve your problem, it certainly can make the journey toward eradicating mental blocks, a lot smoother.

Here are some common phrases that might have crossed your mind at some point, I hope you can relate.

I don’t have time

Counter phrase: I can find small pockets of time within my daily/weekly life. I can use that time to accomplish small, simple tasks that propel my side hustle forward, day by day or week by week.

I don’t have the right skills

Counter phrase: I can learn any skill with enough practice. I can find countless resources online for free. I can improve any skill significantly within a week, given that I practice a little daily.

It’s too difficult to learn

Counter phrase: If it’s difficult, I can always break it down and take it to step by step. It never gets easier, I just get better and better as I keep learning.

I'm not getting the desired result.

Counter phrase: What I'm doing clearly doesn’t work, it’s time to adapt and adjust. Failure is an opportunity in disguise, not a setback.

This doesn’t work, ill give up

Counter phrase: I’ll try again with a different mindset and approach, I’ve come too far to just quit.

I may not be destined for it

Counter phrase: Yes that’s right, I might be destined for something else that brings out the greatness in me, I’ll keep discovering.

Everybody will think I'm a fool, ill just end up embarrassing myself

Counter phrase: I can only think of one quote, “ What makes me weird, makes me wonderful” The world will thrive on my uniqueness, it's time that I embrace that.

I hope you can see that, for every limiting belief or mental block that we have, there’s always a phrase we can use to counter that limiting logic.

All it takes is an alternate perspective, finding a strong reason to move forward, and taking action on our goals.

I know that this is easier said than done, you can’t just challenge a limiting belief and expect your mind to never revert to it.

You will need a system by which those counter phrases will stick to your mind whenever their corresponding limiting belief pops up in your mind.

Let’s discover some super simple strategies to not only remind yourself of these phrases but embed them into your mind.

Simple Strategies to Embed These Phrases in Your Mind.

Once counter phrases are embedded in your mind, negative thoughts, limiting beliefs, and mental and emotional blocks will not convince you easily.

Pick a simple strategy and

  • hour by hour,
  • day by day,
  • month by month,

a great transformation will occur, and as a result, your life will change and good things will happen.

Here’s a list of simple methods, these have worked wonders for my brain. From my brain to yours, here are 3 simple strategies.

#1: Sticky Notes, at Places You Know You’ll See

Take a sticky note, write a counter phrase on it and place it somewhere you know you’ll visit.

As soon as you see that piece of paper, that phrase will stick in your mind. The most important thing here is repetition.

I place my sticky notes near my keys, I’ll surely see that message every time I leave the house. That phrase will be cooking in my head as I walk down the street.

#2: Save It as a Wallpaper

Whether you’re navigating or on social media, I'm fairly sure that you use your phone a fair amount during the day.

Create a wallpaper with a counter phrase, and then save it as your lock screen.

There’s nothing better than reading an empowering statement that greets you soon as you switch on your phone. Your phone now turns into a tool of empowerment.

#3: Stick in Your Laptop as You Close The Lid.

You’ll see it when you open it. Simple as that, yet, more powerful than anything out there.

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Take Away

You have so much potential within you, that you can’t afford to let a mental block hinder it.

Once you break one mental block or limiting belief, breaking the rest will be a piece of cake.

Once you see a transformation, momentum builds and before you know it, you’ve become a whole new person, a person with that you’re proud to see eye to eye with in the mirror.

To Summarize:

  1. Pick a mental block that’s been holding you back from taking action.
  2. Write a counter phrase, and challenge the negative logic with positive logic.
  3. Take that piece of paper, and place it where you know you’ll see it multiple times a day.
  4. Watch the positive counter phrase irradicate its negative counterpart.
  5. Over time, you’ll find it easier to create and maintain a positive, encouraging, and uplifting mindset.
  6. Your side hustle flourishes as a result.

Thank you for reading this post and I hope it makes your life a tiny bit better.

I would love some feedback on my writing, I’m always looking to improve.

See you in the next story.

Till then, take good care.



Kunaal Wrote It

I write about side hustles, mindset, online businesses and empowerment, i hope to inspire the world one word, one pixel at a time.