Kimberley Calls

Ode to the Wet Season

Amy Marley


Stormy view from Kelly’s knob KNX — Amy Marley
Kelly’s Knob — lookout Kununurra — photo my own

Kimberley calls
Pindan sprawls
Colours vibrant
Clouds silent

Lighting zaps
Fire starts
Farmers hearts
Sugarcane field
Ablaze yield

Nature shouts
No doubts
Rain distinguished
Fire extinguished

Welcome, Waltjarnmirri*

*Waltjarnmirri is the traditional word for the Wet Season in the North of Australia from January to early March. I apologise if I got this name wrong.

My memory and fresh research may not align with the local word in Kununurra.

Depending on who you speak to, there are between 250–350 different indigenous languages within Australia. Languages that are unfortunately being lost. Efforts are being made by AIATSIS (Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies) to document them for future generations.

