Kindergarten in a Black School

A White Teacher Believes 60 Young Black Lives Matter

MaryJo Wagner, PhD
Curated Newsletters


Kids in a group listening to a teacher
Photo by Yannis H on Unsplash

In 1967 we moved to Alexandria, Virginia for my husband’s year-long internship on Capitol Hill. I applied for a teaching job and ended up in an all Black school receiving Headstart money for kindergarten

Experienced White Supervisor Interviews a Young White Teacher

We settled into our small apartment in Alexandria, Virginia, close to easy public transportation for my husband’s commute into D.C. I applied for a job teaching kindergarten or first grade. I got an interview right away.

A well-dressed white woman greeted me, and after few pleasantries asked the “important” questions.

“MaryJo, would it be ok with you if you had a Black child in your class?”

“Of course,” I answered, startled by what I thought a very odd question.

“Five Black children?”

“No problem.”

“What if half your class was Black, how would you feel?”

“That’s fine.”

“What about Black teachers in the school?”

“That’s OK.”

This line of questioning continued until I replied to the final question: “Yes, it’s fine with me if I’m one of two…



MaryJo Wagner, PhD
Curated Newsletters

Non-fiction writing coach loves reading, writing, the Colorado mountains, J. S. Bach and Willa Cather. Get “9 Tips for Readable Writing” at