Know Thyself
A Pathway to Self-knowledge
I’ll bet you’ve heard of this highly philosophical mantra, “Know thyself.” Maybe you heard it from some top-notch guru or someone you admire.
Thanks to this social media age, I think you know a couple of people, maybe hundreds or thousands! But have you ever thought about knowing yourself?
Come to think of it though: we humans are very complex beings.
Our brains and bodies are coordinated terrifically — such that I’ve recently started embracing spirituality since I’m a Christian, and I believe that there’s a creator, a meticulous designer beyond our dimension (No offense to you if you have a contrary belief).
There’s a good chance that there’s something unique, distinct, and beautiful about you that you haven’t figured out yet.
Imagine your talents, dreams, capabilities, and skill sets, the list can be endless.
In my view, I have a deep-seated conviction that spending time alone is a surefire pathway to unlocking self-knowledge.
That’s why recently, the idea of meditation has been gaining prominence, and people are now resorting to mindfulness to resolve their issues.
“All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.”― Blaise Pascal, Pensées.
Here’s the thing: I’m not saying you should transform yourself into a stoic monk who meditates all day.
On the flip side, you can just set aside a few minutes for a start — like morning prayers or mindfulness practices.
You’ll get to understand yourself better. Just the way you date others, try to date yourself as well.
I’ve had a great conversation with one of my colleagues in the law firm who has been advising me about embracing knowing yourself since he noticed that I slipped into alcoholism a few days ago.
Maybe just maybe, you’ll unlock an idea, concept, thought, or vision. You might even meet your epiphany. Who knows?