Labeling Yourself As An Athlete To Achieve Your Fitness Goals

An article about how identifying as an athlete could assist you in your fitness journey

3 min readJan 23, 2023


Athletic man playing basketball
Photo by: August Phlieger on Unsplash


We always strive to achieve our fitness goals, whether it is to lose fat, gain muscle, or become more conditioned.

Around a year and a half ago, I decided to start working out to improve my physique. I wasn’t overweight or anything, I just did not like how my body looked. I wanted to gain muscle while losing some of that stubborn fat.

Around that time, I lived a sedentary lifestyle. I did not engage in any sports or strenuous physical activity. I would come home from school, finish my homework, and chill in the house almost all the time.

I was not near the definition of an athletic person, or that is what I thought of at that time.

We tend to define an athletic person as someone talented at their sport or someone that is very skilled in specific exercises.

When I began working out, I did not consider myself an athlete or a fit person, but I worked toward being that way. I performed exercises that were not easy. I stepped outside my comfort zone to achieve progress. And I became more fit and lean.

But I still did not consider myself an athlete.

A couple of months into my fitness journey, I noticed that I was reaching a down period. My motivation was near non-existent, and I began to skip workouts when I did not feel like exercising.

I plateaued.

Although I had made significant progress in my fitness journey, my stamina increased, I gained muscle and became leaner, and I barely made any during that down period. It felt like I hit a brick wall in my journey.

When I became aware of this, I decided to take a different approach to bring myself out of the recession.

I decided to take a more mental approach. Even when I slacked on my fitness journey, I labeled myself an athlete.

Athletes running track
Photo by: Jonathan Chng on Unsplash

This simple mind-shift towards my fitness routine has helped me get out of my plateau and power through.

In the early stages of my journey, I would go to the gym, exercise, then rest. I wouldn’t eat completely unhealthy, but also not very healthy. Since I was new to strenuous exercises like weight lifting and running, I saw noticeable progress with this routine.

But after a while, my rate of growth diminished.

Keeping an athletic mindset had put me into sport-mode. I now paid close attention to my diet; I treated food as fuel for my workouts. With this in mind, my diet consists mainly of protein-packed foods with complex carbs and healthy fats. Almost no junk food in my diet.

When I was eating healthier and supplying my body with the appropriate fuel, my performance in my workouts increased. For example, I struggled with a set amount of weight on the bench for a while. But after a few weeks of healthy dieting, I got out of that roadblock.

This mind-shift method is like pretending. I pretended to be an athlete to improve my athletic abilities. And to improve my athleticism, I began to optimize my diet and workouts.


This simple mind shift can work with anyone, regardless of how much experience you have in fitness. If you only hit a few workouts but want to start exercising more, labeling yourself a gym-goer can help make that happen. If you are an athlete wanting to win a championship, label yourself as a champion.

Transform your mind so that it works with you, not against you.

If you have any thoughts or questions, please share them in the comments below!




High-schooler| Articles about Fitness, Health, and Self-Improvement| Goal is to share my ideas with my audience!