Landing a Data Analytics role at your company, without luck

Opportunity meets preparation, the Data Analyst version, Part I.

Dawn Moyer


Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

I am often approached by colleagues who aspire to break into the data analytics roles in our company. I will share with you some actionable advice I gave them that you can start using today. This article is inspired by a coworker who recommended that I share these steps you should consider in your next four months.

Part II is coming soon and will cover months 4 through 6. That requires some details about you! Please see the bottom of this article for more information.

“There is no such thing as luck, only opportunity meeting preparation.”

My college fencing coach, Olympian Dr. Nikki Franke, repeated this quote throughout my time at Temple University. Along with my fellow fencers, I have taken this to heart. Many of us continue to use this as a guiding principle.

What does this look like in your situation? Consider the illustration below:

Building your skillset and network will increase your opportunity target. (image by author)

This illustration is one of your coworkers looking at the same roles you are considering. They have spent…



Dawn Moyer

Data Enthusiast, fallible human. A data scientist with a background in both psychology and IT.