Le Tour de Election

Published in
Nov 1, 2020

Traces of an enemy

Your invisible friend will follow
In the shadow of messages so hollow
And the rates of the infected grow
I’m sure they told you how

Up in the air, those noses counts infected
The consequences you neglected
Brings to light what was not selected
In your try to become the reelected

When people start to ask
You overlooked the task
Your need for bask
Your reason to unmask

Your friend the economy
Is now another enemy
It’s all about that treasury
At some point it is blasphemy


New research from Stanford University shows an increasing rate of virus spread— more than 30 000 infected and 700 deaths — after the mass gatherings to get Trump reelected.

Will the vote from a dead person count?

© d’Viggo 2020




You might know me, but you don’t. I got wet in the rain, but now always soaked. I thought a lot. High thoughts and also loud and clear.