
3 tasks and 10 key traits from someone who has interviewed over 3000 people

June Coffey


People don’t leave companies, they leave managers. This is what is often said to me. In over 15 years as a recruitment consultant, having interviewed over 3000 people, I find that this is true 60 percent of the time. The 40 percent of the time are when things that are completely out of the manager’s control, budgets, change in company direction, or simply because the person has outgrown the team.

I want to share what traits people appreciate the most in leaders.

First, there are 3 tasks that leaders and managers need to do. I find that most managers are good at and enjoy 2 out of 3 things. I have yet to meet someone who enjoys and excels at all 3.

1. Build

This is one of the most straight forward management tasks, to build a team or a product. Leaders and managers who are good at this task are good at hiring and putting teams together.

2. Maintain

This is when teams and products are running smoothly, leaders and managers need to maintain it. People who excel at maintenance are leaders and managers who are strong at motivating the team, good at cross-training the team, and good at career development.



June Coffey

Software Developer turned IT Specialist Recruitment Consultant, Entrepreneur, Proud mom of an 8 year old girl