#Illumination100Challenge — Day 1

Leadership Lessons From My Garden

Ann Venkataraman
2 min readApr 16, 2021


Unexpected Insights From Spring Blooms

Image by Author — View from my Home Office Window

I was de-cluttering my home office when I realized the lovely view from my window. Learned some unexpected leadership lessons too!

Spring is here and even though the trees are still bare, there are some gorgeous cherry blossoms blooming in yellow, pink, and white. The trees are hidden right behind this vase of beautiful red flowers.

Got me thinking…

I placed the vase in late fall because it is demoralizing to see bald trees and gloomy wintry landscape day in and day out. The vibrant red flowers cheer me up when I enter the room. However, I had gotten so used to ignoring the view outside the window that I totally missed the sunny vistas even after spring arrived in full glory!

Leadership Lessons

  1. Like the cherry blossoms outside, how many opportunities do we miss because we are still following obsolete rules?
  2. Why did not anyone else tell me to look outside? Sometimes we do not get good advice because people either assume we already know, or we are smart enough to figure things out ourselves, or worst they are also suffering the same blind spots. Make sure you have folks telling you the right ideas, even obvious ones, just in case! :)
  3. Finally, take some breaks to just enjoy life and do Nothing! It is surprising how many brilliant ideas I get when I stop being "BUSY”. Get outdoors and enjoy nature!

Have you learned any leadership or business lessons from unexpected sources?



Ann Venkataraman

Techie, Manager, Blogger & Mom. I write about Leadership, books, productivity, and how to use them to fast-track your career.