Lean In Quit Facebook

Jumping ship too late

This Woman


Photo by Lena Kudryavtseva on Unsplash

Just when I thought she was getting to the finish line on the race of men worshipping, they moved the line up a little more. Maybe she was tired of running for it.

She did a great job of tricking women into thinking we can do it all if we just “lean in,” whatever that means. “That stuff just doesn’t work,” said Michelle Obama about her book, so I knew I needed not read it.

After all, how many male life gurus will women follow and copy, making themselves part of the “you can transform your destiny if you just rub elbows with rich men, er, influential people?”

But she did not leave before burning herself to the ground first, making sure to deem herself useless for future “organic growth” ventures. Or did she just take the fall for them?

Anyway, the kitchen is clean and Meta can go on cooking their recipes without mom. Godspeed.

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This Woman

Mother, writer, busy woman. The only thing that matters about my childhood is that I survived.