Leap Of Faith — How It Works

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The idea of leaping into faith, I am sure would instantly elicit many different ideas in your mind. The definition of a leap of faith is when one puts faith in something in spite of a lack of logic, reason, and belief.

According to the famous philosopher Kierkegaard, faith has no logic, reason, or rationality. Soren Kierkegaard's definition of a leap of faith comes from the notion that science, logic, and faith cannot all go together.

Yes, Soren Kierkegaard affirmed the leap, not because a potential believer does not have enough evidence for a leap, but merely because belief cannot be reduced to the intellectual proof that passes through belief. When one believes in God, that will, to Kierkegaard, necessitates a leap of faith.

The leap of faith is not one we take because of the absence of evidence of God's existence, rather, it is merely the recognition that religion and conversion are not merely a product of philosophical study. Faith is not something that just jumps to being, or comes to being, overnight. Without knowing anything about how it might look, we could never assume we would find one, or even if one existed. Faith, as it usually does, plays an important role in this system of notion or disbelief.

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Humans love to be convinced by beliefs, and it usually works out well for the people who believe in them most, whereas those who do not believe take their faith in just themselves.

The implications of taking a leap of faith may, depending on the context, have positive or negative implications, with some believing that being able to believe in something without evidence is a virtue, and others believing that this is stupidity.

The most obvious connotation of the leap of faith is that religious belief is a blind leap, a close-your-eyes moment, or a series of moments in which, faced with inadequate evidence, one somehow believes God to have your life in any case. A leap of faith, in its most widely used sense, is an act of believing in or
accepting something beyond the boundaries of reason.

Individuals may come to an understanding of God by means of science, reason, and logic, instead of simply taking a blind leap of faith to the point of oblivion.

For example, the link between blind faith and religion is challenged by those of the Deistic tenet, who say reason and logic, not revelation or tradition, should underlie belief in, the idea that God existed in a human form, was born, and has grown.

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Kierkegaard's definition of his metaphor of the leap of faith is advocated on the grounds that God is spiritual and not physical; therefore, the individual can understand God through faith alone, not through logic.

When people look at this term, they might assume that Kierkegaard was talking about a leap forward, forgoing reason and evidence, so we can be received by God as the reward of our faith…

##### Sources #####

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