Learn For Love


Jessica Cote


“If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.”
Ignacio Estrada

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

(Thesis redesigned)

The loose-leaf idea

When I think of education its in a loose-lead term. Not in a full-on educator's view because for me I don’t think we ever stop being the student in life. Even the teacher is still learning ways to let students experience how to gain knowledge.

When we learn it is the habit of repetition, skill, focus, and understanding of a subject to the point that we understand it more. I find myself consistently in the stage of learning as a way to gain improvement, motivation and drive when it comes to propelling myself forward in life. I don’t believe anyone on Earth is uneducated but there are some countries that are not as advanced as others.

People become educated through different methods and techniques because no two people will learn the same way. In third world countries, survival is a skill that must be taught, trained, and practiced within the people of a village as a way to stay alive.

Education acts as a foundation for a society where people learn how to integrate themselves into society as humans, and ideally to find a placement



Jessica Cote

I am just a girl among the many fish in the sea. A writer among the many dreamers, and a socialist among others.