Learn To Be Disliked or Be Stuck in a Prison of Other People’s Beliefs.

Sometimes, you may pursue your dreams in ways others may not approve of.

Vinod Kumar Kashyap
3 min readJul 28, 2024


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

In this world, everyone can live their lives as they choose. However, we often find ourselves doing things to please others, causing us to lose sight of our desires.

It’s essential to break free from this cycle and pursue our passions. Learning to be comfortable with being disliked and not being confined by others’ expectations is crucial.

“That which is good for the society is not necessarily good for the individual. That which is good for the individual is good for the society.”

― Richard Diaz

Embracing Dislike: The Path to Authenticity and Freedom

Everyone encounters criticism at some point in their lives. However, that does not necessarily mean that you are doing wrong. It’s important to stay true to yourself and evaluate if your actions align with your values.

Sometimes, you may pursue your dreams in ways others may not approve of. While some may expect you to work to their standards, it’s essential to remember that societal acceptance should not define you.

Embracing criticism is not a burden but a means of safeguarding your authenticity and freedom. It is an empowering choice that allows you to remain genuine despite differing opinions.

Breaking Free: How to Live Unburdened by Others’ Others’ Opinions

Living according to others’ expectations can feel limiting as if you’re constantly working to meet their standards. It’s important to remember that people will always have their own opinions about you.

It’s crucial to realize that others’ opinions are theirs. What they think of you does not determine your worth. By freeing yourself from the burden of their views, you can focus on your personal growth and development.

The Power of Individuality: Why Being Disliked Can Be Liberating

Alanis Morissette said, “I am what I am. Are you what you are?

You have your life and the freedom to live however you like. What people think of you is none of your business. You have to use your power. You are unique, and how you behave also varies from others.

When you stop letting others’ opinions dictate your life, you'll find newfound freedom and joy. It’s like breaking free from a cage and finally being able to fly.

Now, you can live on your terms and find joy in every moment. You have some unique traits as an individual. If you work according to others, then you are killing yourself.

From Conformity to Confidence: The Journey of Self-Acceptance

You must be confident in yourself and feel secure in your work. You know yourself well and know what is best for you. It’s essential to accept yourself.

As said by Jiddu Krishnamurti, “You have to be a light to yourself in a world that is utterly becoming dark.” Have confidence in your work, and don’t worry about what others think. Your perspective is different from theirs, so focus on being yourself.

Accept yourself and face life with complete confidence. With each step you take, your life will become more joyful.

Living Authentically: The Courage to Stand Apart and Thrive

You are the only piece in this world. You are unique. Embrace and accept this deep within you. You cannot think or work like others. You have your capabilities and qualities.

I love Suzy Kassem’s quote, “You were born an original work of art. Stay original.” Don’t act how others want you to. You can become the person you want to be. Live authentically. Show the courage to stand apart. It will help you thrive.

I ghostwrite long-form creative content for Founders, CEOs and Coaches to help them build their authority.

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Vinod Kumar Kashyap

Digital Writer & Storyteller | Bringing Visions to Life Through Premium Ghostwriting​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​